Friday 30 November 2007

Top Vancouver Internet Marketing Consultant Advises on SEO Mistakes You Must Avoid!

By now, you may already realize that SEO is an ongoing process for every business that chooses to be online. According to Think Inc., a top-rated Vancouver Internet marketing consultant firm, this continuous process is due to many factors such as the market changing constantly, search engines changing their ranking methods, new players entering the market, site rankings fluctuating, and so on. With the never-ending change of SEO events on the Internet, could you be making costly SEO mistakes you don't even know about?

There's a simple solution to knowing where your online business stands at all times. But I will share that with you at the end of the article. Right now, I want to alert you to a few major SEO mistakes made by many business owners, and even web design professionals, which our leading Vancouver Internet marketing consultant points out are common mistakes working against your website and SEO efforts.

Displaying Your Text and Content as Graphics When you put your words into graphic format (JPEG or GIF) or Flash format, you effectively render those words invisible to search engines. Sure, there may be times when it's necessary to do this, like when designing a logo. But if you use keyword-rich titles and sub-titles in graphic format, you're wasting a good SEO opportunity. You can always find ways to achieve a similar look with regular text formatted by a style sheet.

You will also want to make note of SEO-friendly PDF rendering techniques. For instance, a PDF generated by scanning a document--like a newspaper article--would not get indexed because the scan is image based. However, if you typed out an article and generated the PDF using PDF rendering software, then some search engines (including Google) will be able to read and index that content, using today's technology.

An alternative approach would be to create regular text-based web pages for your article. For instance, if the article were ten pages long, then you could conceivably create ten additional web pages on your web site for search engines to crawl through and evaluate.

Non-Descriptive Hyperlinks From an SEO perspective, on page text hyperlinks act like road signs. They tell people and search engines where they're going, and what they'll find when they get there. If most of the internal text links on your site use phrases like "read more" or "click here," you're missing another SEO opportunity.

For example, when you have a text link that goes to a page containing useful tips from a "Vancouver Internet marketing consultant," don't label it "read more"--rather, label it "Vancouver Internet marketing consultant useful tips" (or whatever is applicable). This helps people navigate more efficiently, and gives search engines plenty of clues as to what your site's content is all about.

Search engine developers know that hyperlinks on a site can say a lot about the site's theme or topic, so they've kept this in mind while developing their algorithms.

Keep in mind, even if you already know about the common SEO mistakes shared in this article, they are just a small sample of many more SEO mistakes that you may not even be aware of.

Our leading Vancouver Internet marketing consultant advises that it's crucial you find out about any SEO mistakes you may be inadvertently making on your web site, and eliminate them before it affects your business in ways that are too complicated and costly to correct. So how do you do this? Well, one simple way of finding out exactly where your online business stands is to get a professional web site audit. This is an opportunity for you to have an experienced industry professional research your industry online, analyze your web site, diagnose why your web site is failing to meet your online objectives and business goals, and give you specific, actionable feedback in order to correct your web site's problems.

Highly credible web site audit and web development companies, such as our Vancouver Internet marketing consultant firm, spend a ridiculous amount of time and money figuring out how to make the Internet profitable for your business, so that you don't have to. So it's time you take advantage of their web site audit and development expertise to eliminate any crucial SEO mistakes that could cost you your online business!

Copyright � 2007 Think Inc. All rights reserved.

Here's your chance to visit Think, a top rated Vancouver Internet Marketing Consultant Firm. Take advantage of the company's highly sought-after web site audit that can give you answers you're looking for to succeed online. Its solid reputation, established since 1997, was built around helping companies like yours make their mark online. To date, Think has helped clients build well over 1,100 web sites, which have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue over the years. Read the overwhelming number of testimonials and discover how you, too, can make use of its risk-free web site audit and put your web site on track to succeed!

About the Author

Here's your chance to visit Think, a top rated Vancouver Internet Marketing Consultant Firm. Take advantage of the company's highly sought-after web site audit that can give you answers you're looking for to succeed online.