Monday 18 May 2009

Search Engine Marketing to Improve Your Rankings

While it may not sound like the best news you have ever heard, it is the truth: your websites profits will almost always depend on whether or not the search engines like you. They like you, and your site is set up to do very well. But if they do not like you, you are in for a real struggle to make your site a success. Fortunately, search engines do not choose their favorites randomly (even if it might seem that way when you look at the SERPs for your main key word.) Putting a thorough search engine marketing strategy into place is an important part of making your website a search engine "favorite." Need some search engine marketing ideas and tips? Read on below.

1. Use Article Marketing. One of the frequently used search engine marketing techniques is the submission of articles to article directories. There are several reasons for this. For one, doing it is free (if a little time consuming). And it is also one of the most useful search engine marketing techniques out there. Why is that? It is simply because the articles that you submit will be content oriented for your keyword, making each article link relevant to your page or site. And there is almost nothing the search engines like more.

2. Keep Your Content Updated. Updating your sites content is a hugely important part of any search engine marketing strategy... after all, Google loves fresh content. So be sure to come up with a timeline or guideline for putting new content up on your website, and keep at it.

3. Create Better Landing Pages. Even though you might think that the job of your landing page is just to get visitors to stay on your site (or click through), landing pages also fill a search engine marketing role. Because search engines pay attention to user behavior on your pages, having quality landing pages that keep visitors on your site is key to successful search engine marketing. If people who visit your site do not spend any time there before going back to the results to find another site, Google will notice... and will give competing sites the good spots on the SERPs.

4. Read Up on Search Engine News. Though not even the best search engine marketing firms know all the secrets behind Googles algorithms, the search engines do give ideas about what they look for in a site. Keeping track of these changing trends is a key part of successful search engine marketing.

5. Never Forget About Relevance. Backlinks are, of course, a hugely important part of search engine marketing. However, relevance comes in to play in every element of your site, and relevant backlinks and keyword relevant content are both important for improving your rankings. Google and the others want to see that your website has tightly focused information on a specific topic, and that pages and links show a certain level of relevance. The more focused it is, the easier it will be to rank well.

by Joe Maelstrom