Monday 9 June 2008

How To Choose SEO Tools and Why You Need Them

When you put a business online, you may think that the job is done when you have your website set up, but nothing could be further from the truth. As more and more companies are realizing how important search engines are to their business, they are learning that there are plenty of tools that can help them pull that all-important traffic to their site.

This is not something where you can afford to be left behind! If you have never thought about using SEO tools and what they can do for you, you are already behind. You need to make sure that you have the required information to catch up.

Why should you use search engine optimization? Simply put, it is because the web is next to impossible to navigate without the use of search engines. People will invariably use search engines when they are looking for goods or services. If your entry is buried on the fourth or fifth page of results or even further down, they will end up with one of your competitors long before they ever reach your listing. This is not traffic that you can afford to lose!

So, what is search engine optimization? Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is the process where you make your page more searchable. Essentially, you boost your rankings so that yours is the first site that Google or Yahoo will put up when someone looks for a relevant term. In the early days of search engines, you could simply put huge lists of keywords on your site. But today, you need to think of more sophisticated ways to get the search engines attention.

What tools are available? You will find that there are plenty of SEO tools available and that you can use them to both increase your rankings as well as track your success when it comes to doing so. For instance, a link popularity tool will allow you to keep track of sites that have linked to you. Because this is something that the search engines will use to calibrate the importance and the relevance of your site, it can show you how much you need to do.

Similarly, there are tools that can help you figure out what keywords are the most popular and tools that will show you what searches people used to end up at your page. You will find that these are all important things that can influence the way that you build your page and what people are seeing.

Can you get more than one tool at once? When you are looking for good SEO tools to use, you will find that there are several suites that will package a series of them together. Take some time to think about which suites you can find that will have the tools you need.

Do not get left behind in this important advertising and marketing avenue. SEO tools are now an indispensable part of doing business online. Some are free while others do require a subscription or a payment, and keep in mind that you will tend to get what you pay for.

By: Alan Largo