Monday 9 June 2008

Quick Guide: Learn How To Earn Money From Your Website With Google Adsense

Google has made it really easy to earn money from your website even if you're a beginner. It has so many benefits and virtually no drawbacks. You don't even need to be technical and if you still want more ...

... well, it is all so easy and automatic. You set it up once and it goes on working automatically month after month. Let me show you how.

Google named their service 'Adsense'. It provides you, the web site owner (publisher), with a quick and easy automated advertising machine on your site without any need for you to manage the adverts, collect money from advertiser, organize schedules etc - Google's system takes care of all that. If your site is popular you get relatively large and regular payments from Google and if it is not popular you get smaller regular payments.

Here is another great thing about Adsense: because you need not worry about so much of the time consuming and costly stuff (finding advertisers, schedule management, charging, getting paid etc), you are free to examine your site and even learn lessons from Google and other free sources about how to increase the popularity of your site.

You even have the time to apply lots of techniques that between them create a flood of visitors to your site and naturally explode your Adsense income. Now, bear in mind that famous saying: "It is not what you do but how you do it that matters".

With that in mind, how you go about making money with Adsense is very important and here are a few simple tips that should get you started quickly and easily - you will be amazed at the results.

Google's success was built on giving its search clients the best, most accurate information possible. It therefore loves web pages that are tightly focused on specific subjects. It judges the focus by the content having a "reasonable" number of keywords relating to the subject of the page (too many keywords and you get penalized for trying to sp*a*m).

So go write some quality keyword rich articles that you can place on your web pages informational as content. Writing is easy and there is plenty of free help on the Internet. Let me explain that you first need useful content, to then attract visitors, some of whom then click on the Adsense ads, so Google charges the advertisers and pays you a commission.

Use the following keys to making your website pay generously with Adsense:

(A) Keyword selection. Before writing anything (or even setting up a website, if yo haven't got one yet), look for some popular subjects, words or phrases. Focus on those you think more people will click on.

There are many tools that help you with this effort and I recommend you use one. The tool can give you information (from its constantly updated database) about a keyword's popularity that you could never get on your own. I use a free tool called 'WebCeo' which also offers a rich set of extras. Some other options are 'WebPosition' or 'AddWeb'.

If you already have a website with some content, then try to find the most popular phrases relevant to your site AND the page you want to have adverts on. Otherwise, look for phrases that are popular but fewer websites are competing for them. The tools will help you with this too.

(B) Content. Start writing valuable articles to use as content. Include keywords from your keyword selection research. Remember that all search engines including Google totally focused on the quality of the information they present to the search clients and what you write should reach their standards.

Place the articles on your website and organize the structure of your pages to be easily reached by your future site visitors. See next below.

(C) Quality content site. Make sure your new or existing website is a high quality content site with excellent layout and site structure. Naturally it must have the Adsense ads, targeting the subject and keywords of your articles and website. This is where your payback is, for the research and care you put into your work. So don't waste your efforts by letting visitors click away from a poor quality site.

(D) Ad positioning. The position of your ads is very important and should be where surfers are most likely to click them. Research shows the one place visitors look first is the top left.

(E) Continuous improvement. Have you ever known a top athlete to say, hey I just won the regional championship, that's it I'm not going to train any more! You can't achieve the kind of success you and we all want if you stop after one good result.

I therefore suggest that you try to learn even more and constantly apply your new knowledge and you are absolutely guaranteed to achieve huge success. In this business, your size, physique etc don't matter. What really maters is, how many tiny incremental little improvements you make to your efforts, website, content etc.

(F) Monitoring tools. Google Adsense has a powerful range of tracking statistics that allow you to track your results across a many sites, for every site, page, or basis you want. And it is all f'ree - Google want you to succeed because when you do they do too.

Use the tools to identify which ads are performing best. Then you can fine tune your Adsense ads and concentrate more on the most visited ones.

Banners and skyscrapers are obsolete. We all totally ignore these kinds of ads. The reason is they signal they are adverts far too overtly and pure adverts are rarely of any interest to anyone.


Getting excellent income via Adsense is a matter of you focusing on what you want to achieve and how you will go about achieving it. As with any business venture, time, patience and steady improvements will always succeed and often succeed big.

Therefore don't go ignoring your site and your Adsense after they start performing the way you want. Why kill the goose that lays golden eggs! Spend a little time regularly, even just an hour, to make adjustments to your Adsense ads and monitor the effect. Remember, on the high street, they say "... location, location, location". On the web it definitely is "... testing, testing, testing".

Just try it and you will find that for something so easy, it is extremely rewarding and possibly even much better than working for a living!

By: Sami Fab